Saturday, October 20, 2012

crustaceans & cephalopods hanging out on a postcard

Sent this out last month as part of a mail art exchange.

I have to say, I really like a good octopus now & then.


  1. Hi Cara!!!! I got both your amazing letter and the first postcard of the month postcard! Woohoo! I love them both although the hexa..flexagon(?) Thing perplexed me. I think I broke it. Sad face! Anyway I have another letter for you in the works! Will try to get it finished and posted this week! Tonight I am working on some funky envelopes! I hope all is well with you and taco! HUGzzzzz! Xxx

    1. I'm so glad it got there!
      (It felt like it took forever.)
      Yay funky envelopes! :)
